D1041 Project Update:
October 2020
First of all, I hope you are all keeping well in these most uncertain times.
Hopefully you will be following the project on Facebook via the D1041 Western Prince overhaul FB group, however this update gives a view of where we're upto currently. Work on D1041 progressed heavily in 2019 with some important milestones reached.
Sadly the strange times that have manifested in the world throughout 2020 has meant that things have slowed a lot since the start of the year. With the ongoing pandemic and uncertainty there has understandably been a large drop in attendance and productivity, the ELR being off-bounds for all but essential work. This however is only a lull and the enthusiasm and drive to have D1041 up and running again has in no way diminished.
In July 2019, the week leading up to the summer diesel gala, the biggest milestone for me personally was finally achieved. After 8-9 years hard work, all of which was undertaken with a party of people usually no more than 1 or 2. I tightened up the last M10 terminal on the last Battery negative connection. Climbed up into the locomotive and turned the Battery Isolation Switch from OFF to ON (See Below).
See the full video on YouTube (2m 19s)
With a 'Ding' from the fire bells, the loco became electrically live for the first time since we pulled out every single wire and electrical component to start again, thus curing the plague of earth faults that had been manifesting for some time due to the tired state of the wiring.
We quickly worked through basic control circuit sequence testing with no issues encountered other than altering the orientation of the GX contactor interlocks which was inhibiting the start contactors closing. At this stage excitement got the better of me. Despite the planned work in mind for B-end of D1041 which was requiring the cooler group to be removed for repair and maintenance work to the Voith Transmission, as well as agreed replacement of the original preheats plus other good general practice maintenance work. We got to a stage of sequence testing, where by the engine primed (still maintaining 85psi priming pressure) the start contactors energised and the ERV opened and pulled the rack to start position. I got my mind set on temporarily plumbing everything back together, connecting the start winding, filling the cooler group up with water, and pressing the start button.

A-End cab fault lights, all blue showing no faults present, the way forward! July 2019
At this stage, sadly, final electrical commissioning checks found that when the Dynostarter at this end was connected up, suddenly the Megger testing readings of everything crashed down to earth. Upon further investigation, the Brushes of the dynamo-starter motor were removed and re-tested. The Armature was found to have broken down. In other words, the electrical insulation has deteriorated meaning there is a direct path from the winding to the frame of the machine and hence the locomotive. Professional experience made me take the logical approach to not go any further with starting the engine. What hopefully is just a small breakdown of insulation, when put under high current and thermal stress from drawing cranking current, could turn into a large hole in the armature and become a much more costly repair.
With this in mind, the same methodical maintenance schedule has resumed with B-end of the locomotive.

June 2019 with Marker Lights on at A-End
Luckily the Dynostarter at A-end of D1041 was overhauled not long before the locomotive was withdrawn in 2004 and has cleaned up and tested as still in good condition. So the plan has changed. The next phase will be to Remove the cooler group and B-end as intended, remove the Dynostarter from A-end and fit to B-end.
The necessary preventive work to the Voith transmission and re-engineering of the Reversing system will then be carried out. The Transmission heat exchanger will have the brass core replaced with new. The overhauled auxiliary drive shafts will then be fitted and the small compressor overhauled in situ as well as fluids and filter changes. At this stage we can motor over B-end engine round and check for noise, vibration, leaks with the cooler group still removed. Once happy, we will refit the radiator group, fit the modern preheater, fill with coolant and hit the button.
It is not a massive task now to have B-end engine back up and running. A-end of the locomotive has more work to do still. The power unit is sat on the flat wagon with the top end stripped down, ready for piston and liner removal for a full overhaul to zero hours standard.

D7076's Engine Bay has seen attention while the Power Unit is rebuilt

D7076's Power Unit rebuild nearing completion, August 2020
As well as the worldwide pandemic which has cost us half a years progress already, the team have also just about completed the rebuild of D7076's engine following liner seal failure. The engine is built up and timed, ready to be craned back into the Hymek which will see that up and running next year. D1041's A-End Maybach MD655 is then next onto the engine rebuild line.
We have also just released D832 fresh in BR blue, having had a huge amount of bodywork and fabrication work carried out, masquerading as D818 Glory in recognition of the many parts surrendered to help bring Onslaught back to operational condition.
All of which shows the amount of effort and dedication that has gone in to all loco's under the BHG care, highly commendable I trust you will agree!

D832 running as D818 Glory on 26th September 2020
Next stage for D1041 as described above will see much heavy maintenance and require a lot of financial input for Radiator Elements, Electrical Machine overhauls, Oils, Engine parts, AVR's, Bogie Work, Modern Preheats .. which hopefully with the rest of the hydraulic fleet soon back to full health will slowly become available.
Work has and will always continue to progress towards D1041 running again, which is far closer than when we begain this mammoth task in 2004. Please keep a good eye on the D1041 Western Prince overhaul Facebook page for the latest information. The Prince website will continue to give a digest of progress for those not able to view Facebook and many more photos of recent progress have been added to the Restoration Gallery page.
Thank you for your interest and support.
Matt Lindley